Our Precious Makalynne

Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, we received an update last Friday! Along with the 20 questions we had asked, they sent three new pictures!!!! She is becoming more beautiful by the day!!! It is so hard waiting and I so want China to come on and send that LSC..... I would never have imagined the wait would have been this hard. It is so treacherous waiting day in day out knowing that your precious daughter just waits.... Needing and deserving of the love that you hold bottled inside to give her!!!! Sometimes I find myself thinking of the song "somewhere over the rainbow" and thinking of my daughter:( Each week seems as though it will never end... I guess that's mostly because I am counting every single day in hopes that the arrival of our LSC is just that much closer to arrival!!! I can't even comprehend the love I hold in my heart for this precious little girl. It's like she grew in my belly but has somehow been displaced and I'm longing to hold her in my arms:) How can the love for this child be so string when I have yet to even meet her? I guess the same as the love you have for the child who grows inside of you but that you have yet to meet and actually touch. God, in His infinite wisdom, created a mother's heart and when He places that child in your heart, your mind, or your body it is a bond that can never be broken!!!!! Thank you Holy Father for the many gifts you have given me. Of those, I find so much thanks and amazement at how you made me a mom, not once, not twice, but three times.... And each time I stand even more amazed at your perfect plan!!!! Hold on my precious Makalynne, we are climbing these walls one at a time to come get you!!! We love you!!! :))

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