Our Precious Makalynne

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Blessing!

I can't believe what happened to us today. We received such a blessing from God!!! Today, as I had to be home recovering from the flu, my husband took the boys to a friends birthday party. While there, he met a lady who lives in the same town as us and who is adopting a little girl from China as well!!! And the best part is that she is going through the same agency as us and we are both just waiting on travel approval!!! This is so awesome as I have been praying that God would send me someone who could understand and relate to how hard it is going through this process... Ask and ye shall receive:) I am so excited! The other family is about 2 weeks ahead of us in the process, but there is still a possibility that we may catch up and actually get to travel together!!!! It would be such a blessing to have someone from our area to travel with, how fun that could be!!! This is her second adoption through China, so she has alot of knowledge too!!! Have I mentioned what a blessing she is to me?!! As much as I need this new friend in this process, I can only hope to be a great blessing to her as well. The other family only lives about 15 minutes away from me and the little girl they are adopting is just under a year older than Makalynne so they will be close enough in age to really be good friends for each other. I can't tell you how many blogs I have read in the glimpse hope of finding another family in our state let alone in our same town... And, what do you know, We met them at a birthday party!?! Who says birthday parties aren't for the parents?, lol!! After talking with my new friend for 45 minutes over the phone, we have plans to meet next week and compare notes for the upcoming weeks!!! Yippee!!! How awesome! How Great is Our God!!!! It means so much to have someone there that can feel your pain, so to speak, as this is the most difficult process ever..... But those precious babies have it much more difficult than us, so who am I to complain?

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